Farmers compete for first place at the OHW Holstein Show

by | Aug 1, 2024

Locals ready to show off prized animals in Woodstock

Calling all cow connoisseurs! On Friday, August 2, at 11 a.m. in the Exhibition Building in Woodstock, farmers from the River Valley will enter their best livestock into the ring and compete for the champion title.

The event will begin with the Western District 4-H showmanship, then progress to the open showmanship and finish with the calf classes.

Farmers have been preparing their cows since last year’s Holstein Show to ensure success for this year’s competition.

The show will comprise mostly Holstein and Jersey cows.

Nick Graham organizes the Holstein Show. He is looking forward to the farmers’ competition and seeing all the animals in it. Graham believes the event is an opportunity for the community to unite, enjoy free company, and have a good time.

“You get everybody together for socialization ̶ it puts a smile on my face,” said Graham.

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