Department celebrates Christmas with meal and special presentations at community hall
The Canterbury Fire Department members celebrated Christmas on Sunday, Dec. 17, including accepting an important life-saving gift courtesy of the re-energized Ladies Auxiliary.
Firefighters, auxiliary members, and special guests gathered at the community hall for a meal, socializing, and a series of presentations.
Auxiliary members officially presented Canterbury Fire Chief Mike Furrow with a portable AED (Automatic External Defibrillator) purchased with funds from Ladies Auxiliary fundraisers.
Auxiliary Vice President Nicole Yerxa explained that firefighters can carry the specifically designed AED when responding to calls. Like those commonly placed in public buildings, the device would allow firefighters to react immediately to heart failures without waiting for paramedics.
Auxiliary president Heather Neilson-Furrow said a dedicated group of women rekindled the organization after the COVID pandemic left it sidelined for a few years.
The auxiliary elected a new executive, which included Neilson-Furrow, Nicole Yerxa, Wendy Gauvin as secretary and Shirley Yerxa as treasurer.
Neison-Furrow said the growing auxiliary currently features 12 members who help plan and host various fundraising activities such as dinners and raffle draws. She said the organization’s events draw strong support from the community.
Nicole Yerxa explained the organization’s next significant event will be a Valentine’s Tea on Feb. 10.
She said the Canterbury Fire Department Lad\ies Auxiliary raised more than $5,000 over the past six months.
Another community organization attended the department’s Christmas event to deliver financial support. Sandra Olmstead presented a $100 cheque to Chief Furrow on behalf of the Canterbury Country Club seniors group.
The event also allowed the fire department to recognize firefighters for their years of service, including former Chief Clifton Furrow for his almost a quarter century as chief. He served in the top post from 1998 to 2022.
Chief Mike Furrow also presented Charles Yerxa with a plaque recognizing his more than 15 years of service.