Carleton North council news

by | Aug 27, 2023

Council discusses bridge construction, NCRC delay, planning open houses, paving, and hiring of new CAO

The following items of business were discussed at the August 22, 2023, District of Carleton North Council meeting:

1: Update on Florenceville-Bristol Bridge Construction Coming

Mayor Andrew Harvey advised council members that he and Interim CAO Nancy Shaw were meeting with the Department of Transportation on Friday, August 25, to discuss the ongoing construction of the Florenceville-Bristol bridge.

“I plan to get a firm update on what’s happening for fall,” said Mayor Harvey.

He advised that the public would be notified of the update once a timeline has been received.

2: Donation to Participate Art & Nature Festival

Mayor Harvey told council the district had received a grant application from the Participate Art & Nature Festival, which the Andrew & Laura McCain Art Gallery sponsors. He described the annual event:

“The festival started in 2019. With COVID in 2021 and 2022, it took a smaller scale, but this year it has quite a detailed assortment of workshops…with very diversified offerings.”

Harvey continued by expressing his support of their application.

“My thoughts [on their application] is they just had the Buttermilk Creek festival at the Multiplex last weekend, and there was no financial ask for that. In lieu of that, I think this is something we have the budget for and that we should give them their request.”

Coun. Laurel Bradstreet added his support for the grant request, saying, “I think it’s a great thing to support.”

Council approved the grant application in the amount of $4,500.

3: Municipal Plan & Zoning By-law meetings to be held

Mayor Harvey and council discussed the ongoing municipal planning being done by the Western Valley Regional Service Commission.

“This is being done as part of our contract with them,” explained Harvey, “and they have contracted Dillon Consulting to work on our behalf.”

Coun. Angel Connor immediately spoke of confusion among residents.

“I am getting a lot of feedback from community members that they’re not really understanding the whole aspect of it.”

Harvey tried to clarify for council and community members attending the meeting or watching online that these municipal reform processes are happening around the entire province, not just in the District of Carleton North.

He stressed that the purpose of the municipal planning is not to make “retroactive changes”; rather, it is strictly to give residents a voice in what happens with the land around them by ensuring that any future land use and development reflects the wishes and needs of the community.

Speaking specifically to the upcoming community meetings, Harvey explained the process is designed to gather public input.

“No decisions are being made at these Open Houses; it’s all for information purposes only, he explained. “So, if somebody has a question, a comment, a suggestion, a criticism… they should come to these Open Houses.”

Harvey also reassured the council and community members that decisions remain in the hands of the district council.

“Council will always have the final say on zoning, but if it’s not zoned, it’s an open house. If it is zoned, there’s protection for the people,” he said.

Harvey strongly encouraged council and community members to attend one of the upcoming meetings, which will be held as follows:

Aug. 29, from 1-3 and 6-9 at the Knights of Columbus Community Hall in Beechwood

Aug. 30, from 1-3 and 6-9 at the Western Valley Multiplex in Centreville

Aug. 31, from 1-3 and 6-9 at the District of Carleton North Office in Florenceville-Bristol

Harvey advised that the discussion sessions are in an informal “open house” format, where community members can drop in and speak to representatives from Dillon Consulting.

4: New CAO Appointed

Deputy-Mayor Karen Hargrove submitted a motion to appoint Sean Lockhart as the new CAO for the District of Carleton North, effective Sept. 5, 2023.

Mayor Harvey advised that Interim CAO Nancy Shaw has agreed to stay on for an extra two weeks to help Lockhart as he adjusts to his new position.

Lockhart is moving to the district from the Moncton area.

Council approved the appointment.

5: Clarification Regarding Florenceville-Bristol Repaving

Coun. Bradstreet told fellow council members that he received “concerned comments” from district residents regarding the paving of Route 105 from the Village Green to Shiketehawk Stream and McCain Street in Florenceville-Bristol.

He addressed those concerns to council and residents,

“The money is coming from the reserved funds from the former municipality of Florenceville-Bristol. These reserved funds can only be spent within the Florenceville-Bristol territory,” he explained. “I just wanted to make everyone aware that we cannot spend that money in Bath, Centreville, Glassville, or Juniper; that’s why the two roads are being done.”

Mayor Harvey elaborated on Bradstreet’s comments.

“We inherited reserves from the three municipalities, and they have to be spent in those former municipalities. McCain Street had been on the docket to be repaved for a few years but was delayed because of the NCRC construction,” the mayor explained. “As for Route 105, that is being done through a provincial program and was already slated to be done this year. Our contribution is only 25 per cent, and if we don’t do it, we will lose the whole road, the 75 per cent from the province.”

He further explained that Bath and Centreville’s roads will get done next year, which will be discussed “further down the road.”

6: Update on NCRC Construction

Mayor Harvey advised that completion of the Northern Carleton Recreation Centre is behind schedule and will not be completed on time, primarily due to sub-contractor issues.

“I was getting very concerned about the day-to-day progress at the NCRC, so we have had numerous meetings the last couple of weeks, and while there’s progress there, it’s definitely not going to be ready for the end of August as we had been told,” Harvey said.

Harvey informed council members that by the end of August, he hopes to have an update on the 16 components left to be completed at the NCRC, including outdoor work, landscaping, paving, installing the exterior stairs, and finishing the gym floor, among other things.

For now, the deadline for completion has been pushed back from Aug. 31 to mid-September.

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