TurnAround Awards celebrate positive efforts in class and life
Seven students from six schools in the Carleton North catchment area received recognition for their efforts with the 2024 Turn Around Awards at a ceremony and dinner at Carleton North High School on May 30.
Dominic Manzer, Florenceville Elementary School, presented by Catherine Brennan
Dominic struggled as a new student when he arrived at Florenceville Elementary School in September. Faced with another school change, “he wasn’t ready to put himself out there again.”
However, explained Brennan, Dominic took giant strides over the year.
She called it impressive when a student overcomes those barriers to make meaningful connections with students and staff.
“Dominic’s confidence continues to grow daily, and both the adults and the students in our building now look forward to hearing his unique perspective and considerable knowledge on many topics,” explains Dominic’s bio in the program handed out at the ceremony.
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Keira Adams, Bristol Elementary School, presented by Tracey Fitzherbert
Fitzherbert explained that Keira earned her Turn Around Award by overcoming her fears and shyness and making tremendous strides throughout the year.
The teacher noted how Keira flourished in music, poetry, and visual arts and made significant advances in reading, including French. Building upon her love of art, Keira started an art club at the school, leading with another student for Grade 3 to 5 BES students.
Keira enjoys working with the primary students and notes that she may one day want to pursue a career in teaching.
Riley Tremblay, Centreville Community School, presented by Jennie Niles
Niles said Riley earned this year’s award for her academic and social gains. Riley’s growth in math now sees her offering help to others who are having difficulty.
“If she finds an assignment challenging, Riley will always seek help, persevere and work hard until she has success,” explains Riley’s program bio.
Riley came out of her shell this year to take leadership roles in drama production. She is also a member of CCS’s basketball team.
Daniel Clark, Florenceville Middle School, presented by Jill Pelkey for Emily Keenan
Pelkey explained that Daniel, who was strong academically, had made significant strides in his behaviour this year. While always respectful of staff, he often clashed with other students.
“He was quick to anger and engage in arguments and fights,” Pelkey explained.
Now in control of his emotions, Daniel is less reactive, leading to few, if any, conflicts with fellow students.
“It has been wonderful to watch Daniel grow and to explore interests and talents,” notes the student program bio.
Raven Dow, Carleton North High School, presented by Annette Sprague
Raven was nominated for the Turn Around Award by several CNHS teachers who were impressed by her remarkable journey and extraordinary growth during her four years at the school.
Sprague said Ravel overcame a “phone addiction” and absenteeism to find a renewed positive outlook on her school life.
As an example of her growth, Sprague recounted Raven’s “few choice words” for her sewing machine the first time she sat in front of one.
“Now she is great at sewing,” Sprague said.
“Raven’s story is an inspiring testament to resilience, determination and the unwavering support of a community,” explains Raven’s program bio.
Patrick DeMerchant, Bath Community School, presented by Rebecca Bubar and Beth Thomas
Patrick earned a 2024 Turn Around Award by finding productive and healthy ways to manage his emotions.
Bubar and Thomas describe Patrick’s penchant for working on machinery, tinkering with gadgets and tending the school grounds.
“Patrick is a more confident communicator and respectfully voices his needs and preferences, allowing him to compromise so he can excel both in and out of the classroom,” explained Patrick’s program bio.
Matthew Tompkins, Centreville Community School, presented by Iris Hitchcock
Overcoming challenges to stay focused on school work and in the classroom earned Matthew the Turn Around Award as he leaves middle school to head to high school next year.
Hitchcock said the ever-smiling Matthew was always in constant motion, which hurt his ability to focus. She said that has changed.
“He puts a great effort into his assignments and isn’t afraid to ask for help when he needs it,” explained Matthew’s program bio.
Matthew’s great sense of humour and entertaining personality make him popular with his fellow students.