Centreville celebrates with annual Christmas tree lighting

by | Nov 26, 2024

Warm night matches feelings as the holiday season gets underway

On perhaps the warmest night in recent history, Centreville celebrated its annual Christmas tree lighting on Nov. 20.

The square was filled with residents in a joyful spirit, anxious to kick off the holiday season. To help with the festivities, Carleton North JV girls’ basketball team members were on hand to serve guests hot chocolate and cookies, which BWS Manufacturing provided.

After opening remarks from Councilor Mike Stewart, Andrea Weston and Andy DeRier provided musical entertainment. Following a rousing Christmas sing-a-long, in recognition of being in business for 40 years, staff members “past, present, and future” from Country Card & Gift were invited to the stage to light the 2024 Christmas tree.

The evening finished with a visit from Santa Claus and his wife, who took time from their busy schedule to visit with the local children.

Andrea Weston opened the tree lighting with music. (Sandra Hanson photo)

Mr. and Mrs. Claus visit with Ryleigh and Ben LaCroix. (Sandra Hanson photo)

Due to the lack of snow, Santa and Mrs. Claus arrived with the help of the Centreville Fire Department and Jesse Shaw. (Sandra Hanson photo)


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