District of Carleton North Council News

by | Jan 2, 2024

Council deals with concerns about new school and old bridge; transfers of capital funds; wind storm lessons; and more at final meetings of 2023

Discussions regarding new K-8 School underway

Mayor Andrew Harvey advised council about two recent meetings with the planning committee regarding the new K-8 school to be built in the Florenceville-Bristol area. 

He said the first discussion surrounded the location of the school, about which Harvey said he has concerns. The second meeting related to the specifics of the school itself, such as the types of rooms. 

Harvey noted the committee will meet on Jan. 9 regarding the “location, the education specs, and different aspects of that school.”

Traffic light concerns surrounding Old Florenceville Bridge

The District wants to be kept up to date about decisions surrounding the reopening of the Old Florenceville Bridge. Council raised concerns at the Dec. 12 council meeting after hearing the suggestion of installing traffic lights and reducing traffic to a single once the bridge reopens. 

At the Dec. 21 meeting, Mayor Harvey said the District sent a letter to the Department of Traffic and Infrastructure (DTI) requesting that the District of Carleton North be formally advised regarding all plans for the bridge. 

Harvey described the single lane and traffic light as a significant concern given the high traffic volume on Main Street. 

At the Dec. 12 meeting, Mayor Harvey noted that neither he nor the council members had been consulted on the project. He explained the letter to DTI outlines the District’s need to be included in bridge planning.  

Northern Carleton Recreation Centre open for business

Mayor Harvey advised that the newly expanded NCRC, including the walking track and the highly anticipated rock-climbing wall, is open for business. 

“I think that’s going reasonably well,” said Harvey. “A lot of people are using the walking track.” 

The public can find information about the NCRC online by visiting the District of Carleton North Recreation Facebook page. 

Council approves transfer from capital funds

Council looked after some bookkeeping at the Dec. 21 meeting by approving the transfer of reserved funds. 

Council approved moving $205,011.24 from General Capital Reserves to the District of Carleton North General Operating Fund. Mayor Harvey explained the funds originated from the General Capital Reserve of the former Village of Centreville. 

Council also approved the transfer of more than $1.2 million from the District’s General Capital Reserve Fund to its General Operating Fund, noting the District held the funds GICs to pay for its portion of the McCain Street repairs.  

Mayor Harvey noted the District will only pay the balance owed on the project sometime in 2024. 

“Based on the [the fact that the job] wasn’t completed on time and there are concerns that there could be issues with how the pavement is going to settle, we are not going to finish paying until we are sure we are happy with the job,” the mayor said. 

Wind storm delivers a wake-up call

Mayor Harvey led a discussion about the wind and rain storm on Dec. 18 and 19, which left thousands of Carleton County families without power for several days.

“These storms are going to be more common; they’re getting stronger and coming from different directions,” he said.

Harvey said the District needs to be more proactive on several fronts, especially shared services.  

Harvey recommended the District study how it can support residents during storms and power outages. He also explained that he and council plan to meet with NB Power to discuss EMO services.

“This storm was a wake-up call.”

Communities in Bloom offers opportunities

Mayor Harvey read a letter from Communities in Bloom, a non-profit, charitable Canadian organization “committed to fostering civic pride, environmental responsibility and beautification through community engagement and the challenge of friendly competition.” 

The organization encourages involvement by local citizens of all ages and municipal governments, local organizations, institutions, and businesses to support beautification projects. 

The program focuses on “environmental awareness and preservation of the cultural, natural, and built heritage elements.”

The letter encouraged the District of Carleton North to opt into their program. Mayor Harvey advised that if the District chooses to do so, they will have the possibility of receiving special achievement awards and can apply for sponsorship grants.  

CiB noted that 2024’s Colour of the Year is orange, and they encourage everyone to plant orange-coloured flowers in honour of our Indigenous communities and peoples.

Final address for 2023

Mayor Harvey gave his final address for 2023 to the council at the Dec. 21 meeting. 

“To say that it’s been an experience this first year would be an understatement. But I look at it very positively. It was and still is a challenge bringing these three communities and LSDs together, but on several fronts, we met those challenges.

“I’m looking forward to upcoming strategic planning sessions. Overall, I think it’s going really well, and I’m happy to be part of this council. I am looking forward to 2024.”

Old Florenceville Bridge (Jim Dumville photo)

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