District of Carleton North Council News

by | Sep 19, 2023

The following items of business were discussed at the Sept. 12 council meeting:

  1. Peter McCain Memorial to be moved

Erected in 1998, the Peter McCain Memorial was previously situated behind the Florenceville-Bristol pool. Due to the construction of the Northern Carleton Recreational Centre, it had to be moved.

The prior Florenceville-Bristol council had agreed that upon completion of construction, the Memorial would be moved to a new spot.

Resident David Trafford attended the Tuesday meeting, seeking to confirm with the new District of Carleton North Council that this was indeed still the plan.

The Council assured Trafford that it was. Trafford noted that Peter McCain’s sister, Laura, has agreed to fund the cost of moving the memorial.

Council and Trafford agreed he would be responsible for contacting Laura over the winter to seek her input on the future placement of the memorial in the spring.

  1. Concerns about speeding and reckless driving on School Street

Mayor Andrew Harvey read an email from Carleton North High School Principal Jason Smith, who wrote expressing his concerns regarding the speeding and reckless driving on School Street.

“In the last three years, there have been two terrible accidents at the end of School Street,” Smith wrote.

He shared that he has contacted the RCMP and the Department of Public Safety about the complaints from residents, students, and staff.

Smith asked council to invest in solar-powered speed signs. He said the signs and the school’s security cameras would help provide the necessary information to help the RCMP and deter dangerous driving. 

Council agreed to refer the concerns to their Director of Operations, who could then work directly with Smith on the matter.

  1. Support for Hayward House

Mayor Harvey read a letter from the Hayward House Recovery Centre, who wrote requesting a donation for their upcoming Silent Auction or a monetary donation to help with their Christmas initiatives.

Hayward House estimates it will provide Christmas dinner for approximately 150 people this year.

They also provide Christmas bags for those experiencing homelessness and other assistance for those living with mental illness. Council agreed to offer Hayward House a donation of $100.

  1. New canteen operator at Northern Carleton Civic Centre

Mayor Harvey shared that Devon Everett has signed a lease agreement, taking over the operation of the NCCC canteen.

Beginning Sept. 18, Everett will start setting up, with the official opening soon after.

The canteen will be renamed “The Penalty Box”.

  1. Town to form Youth Involvement Ad-hoc Committee

Mayor Harvey read an email from Carleton North High School student Sarah Lagarde, who proposed a program where students could attend council meetings offering their perspectives.

The program would give the Council a better perspective on issues impacting their youth, and the youth would also have an opportunity to learn about municipal politics.

Council agreed to form an ad hoc committee, with Deputy Mayor Karen Hargrove as chair, to discuss ways students can be involved in council.

Councillors Scott Oakes, Chala Watson, and Angel Connor volunteered to be part of the Committee.

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