Fire damages Centreville business

by | Jan 6, 2025

Firefighters save structure, but significant repairs required at Centreville Equipment

An afternoon fire delivered significant damage to Carleton County business on Sunday, Jan. 5, but firefighters managed to save the structure. 

The Centreville Fire Department responded to a fire call at Centreville Equipment at 3:44 p.m., arriving to find fire and smoke coming through the eves of the garage portion of the business complex. 

Centreville Fire Chief Ritchie Shaw said that upon entering the garage, crews could see the fire burning near the roof of the high garage structure. 

He identified the source of the fire as the building’s heating system. 

Chief Shaw said the Lakeville Fire Department provided mutual aid while the Floreceville-Bristol Fire Department provided an additional tanker. 

He said he called on the other departments to ensure they had enough personnel and equipment if required. 

Centreville Fire Department Captain Luke Shaw said when the firefighters realized the garage was the source of the smoke and fire, they decided to request a tanker and personnel from Lakeville and a tanker from Florenceville. 

While the firefighters knocked down the fire before it damaged the building’s steel structure, Chief Shaw said the blaze destroyed the insulation and wiring. He described the required repairs, including smoke and heat damage, as significant. 

“It’s going “It’s a messy job,” he said. “The chief said NB Power crews and an electrician attended the scene, immediately disconnecting the power. 

Transport trailers disappear behind a cloud of smoke at Centreville Equipment as firefighters battle a fire that caused significant damage to the business. (Submitted photo)

He said they decided against restoring the power until the damage to the wiring and electrical system is thoroughly examined. 

“We made the assessment that it was not safe enough,” Chief Shaw said. 

With the cold weather, he said the lack of power and heat will cause problems, noting the structure includes the garage, storage area and an attached office structure. 

Centreville Equipment maintains and repairs transport trucks and trailers. Chief Shaw believes they also sell recreational motor equipment. He said no trucks, equipment or inventory sustained damage.  

The Centreville Fire Department, with support from Lakeville and Florenceville-Bristol Fire Departments, responded to a fire at Centreville Equipment Sunday afternoon, Jan. 5. (Submitted photo)

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