Former Covered Bridge Chips CEO returns to Bangor court in May

by | Feb 15, 2025

Police reports outline details of incident that led to domestic violent assault charge

Ryan Albright, 44, of Waterville, the president and chief executive officer of Covered Bridge Potato Chips, returns to Penobscot County Superior Court in Bangor on May 13, following a disposition hearing in January.

Albright was charged with domestic violence assault in connection with a family dispute at a Bangor home on Oct. 19, 2024. He was arrested at the scene and later released on bail.

Police reports filed with the court reveal several officers responded to a call around 12:19 a.m. about a dispute between Albright, his wife, Mallory, 37, and another woman, Joan Overman, 27, who all lived together at a house on Allen Street in Bangor. The three had been out drinking at a local tavern and returned home when an argument erupted.

Police heard loud voices inside as they arrived. Albright was spotted pushing his wife down the stairs, hitting her and pulling her hair. His wife was on the floor when she reached up and unlocked the door for the police, still screaming from the altercation.

Police observed Albright and his wife were both covered in white paint and smelled of alcohol. The first officer on the scene pointed a firearm at Albright and ordered him to back away from his wife. He was arrested and handcuffed.

As more officers arrived, Joan Overman came down the stairs and started yelling at the police. She resisted being removed from the room, yelling: “This is my house.” Overman told police she was in the bathroom and came out to see the couple fighting on the staircase with paint everywhere.

According to the police reports, Overman left the bar that evening before the Albrights because she was mad at them. After they got home, an argument ensued when Mallory Albright heard Overman and her husband talking about her in the bathroom.

Police handcuffed Overman for resisting on the stairs, and both she and Mallory Albright were issued disorderly conduct warnings. Police said the two women continued to be aggressive toward each other during the incident. Ryan Albright was led away in custody.

Ryan Albright had blood on his nose, which he told police was caused by his wife striking him three times in the face. Mallory Albright allegedly had red marks on her neck and back. She begged police to remove her husband’s handcuffs, stating she didn’t want him to go to jail. Mallory Albright also offered to leave the house for the night.

Overman continued to be irritated with Mallory Albright, and they argued some more before she left the Bangor home.

Mallory Albright told police her husband was not himself and was having problems at work. Covered Bridge Potato Chips has been working to rebuild after a fire destroyed its production facility outside Hartland last March.

After Albright’s arrest, the company announced that he was taking an “extended leave of absence in light of recent personal health challenges.”

None of the police statements filed about the incident have been proven in court.

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