Looking back at 2024 and forward to 2025
RVS: What were Hartland’s highlights in 2024?
TD: It has been a very busy year for Hartland. With the building and opening of the Day & Ross Community Centre, continued housing development and plans for waterfront development, we strive to provide citizens with a great area to live.
RVS: What are Hartland’s challenges
TD: We have our challenges as well. Like many other municipalities, Hartland has an aging infrastructure. Equipment needs repairs or replacement, and streets need paving. With a tight budget, we recognize the importance of our strategic plan and use our resources and reserves prudently.
RVS: Following Hartland and Carleton North’s failure to find support for a municipal police force, what are the town’s next steps? Can the RCMP deliver the needed coverage?
TD: We continue to communicate with the province and will also continue working with the RCMP to promote safe communities.

RVS: What are your biggest hopes for Hartland in 2025?
TD: In 2025, I see opportunity and collaboration—expanded programs and events through our recreation department. Festivals and celebrations throughout the year are organized and facilitated by faithful volunteers and staff. With a population of less than 4,000, our greatest asset is our PEOPLE. It is my hope that we gather, support and strengthen our community. Together, we are better.