LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Total frustration with power bill increases

by | Mar 22, 2025

When it comes to NB Power increases, what can we do? Sadly, not much.

I know I am not alone in my total anger and frustration with such a drastic increase in costs from NB Power, as that is all I hear people talk about in lineups at the grocery, lineups at the bank, and at my place of work. 

Well, thank you so very much, NB Power, for the 10 per cent rebate announcement in your latest letters to your NB Power users, which included proud exclamation marks to emphasize your wonderful gift to NB residents. (EDITOR’S NOTE: This discount was a provincial government initiative.) This was just prior to an outrageous 9.7% increase in April, which surprisingly arrived early in my January bill! How are you allowed to do that? 

Citizens of New Brunswick and all over Canada, for that matter, are already taking a beating with mortgage rate increases, gas gouges and food price explosions. Where will it end?

Looking to the future, if this does not stop soon, I predict an increase in suicides, mental health issues and crimes of theft as people become more desperate to make ends meet. Purchasing only necessities, taking shorter showers, lowering washer and dryer usage, keeping lights off, setting thermostats low, and driving as little as possible. I don’t know what else we can do. I already live low, but I am really feeling the struggle. I feel and fear for the single-income families and how they will cope. Where is the extra money for all these hikes supposed to come from? It’s not equalling out as wages are not keeping up with the drastic financial demands on necessities. 

Along with big oil and big banks, NB Power has joined the greedy and is gouging the essentials we need to house and feed ourselves, stay warm and keep calm. Our hands appear to be tied, and all we can do is accept it.

What does the future look like for low-income earners, getting a second job perhaps, forfeiting time with beloved family, friends and pets? Maybe win the lotto; oh, no, the $1 ticket is long gone! The minimum wage may increase to $30 an hour, or maybe NB Power is hiring?  

The state of Canada’s direction so saddens me; it appears we are falling apart. Government, step up and protect our livelihood! We are counting on you for guidance to stop this madness.


Deeply concerned New Brunswicker and Canadian citizen

R. Faber
Woodstock, N.B.

N.B. ROAD CONDITIONS (click to view current)

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