Woodstock woman says now is the time for change
Woodstock’s Marisa Pelkey will represent the Liberal party in the provincial election this October, running in the riding of Woodstock-Hartland against incumbent MLA and cabinet minister Bill Hogan.
On Friday, Aug. 2, local Liberals chose Pelkey at their nomination meeting at the Y’s Men Club in Woodstock. Provincial Liberal leader Susan Holt was present, sharing her vision for a more affordable New Brunswick with the 50-plus people who attended the event.
“We are going to treat your power bill like an essential item, we are going to implement a rent cap, we are going to fix the property tax system, and we are going to take the Higgs tax off of fuel. And we will also make sure every kid in New Brunswick has access to breakfast and lunch,” said Holt.
Holt’s Liberal plans include implementing a rent cap, fixing the New Brunswick property tax system, and eliminating the provincial portion of the sales tax on fuel.
Born and raised in Woodstock, Pelkey told party faithful that she’s dedicated her career to public service and community advocacy. Pelkey works in the public sector, supporting victims of crime who have to make their way through the court system.
“From an early age, I knew I would be a helper when I grew up. I have worked most of my career in victim services. It is a job that I didn’t find; it found me. I hear from those in the riding that we need to help – with better access to primary care and more. Now is the time for change,” said Pelkey
Holt was optimistic about her party’s chances at the polls this fall.
“We can win in Woodstock-Hartland and all 49 ridings because we have a team that is ready to bring care and compassion to the job,” said Holt.