Local man to be inducted into Atlantic Agricultural Hall of Fame

by | Sep 19, 2023

Brian Connor of Hawkins Corner to be honoured Oct. 12

Lifelong farmer and Hawkins Corner, York County native Brian Connor will be inducted into the Atlantic Agricultural Hall of Fame at the Dalhousie Agricultural College in Truro on Oct. 12.

Connor’s farming experience started early. He worked on the family farm with his uncle Spafford Manzer. Connor was just a young boy when his father died.

Spafford, who had no children, left the farm to Connor when he died.

Connor and his wife, Sharon Connor, worked the farm as a dairy operation for many years. The couple is well known in the Holstein industry, having raised and sold cattle shipped to different parts of the world.

Connor has several silver platters, trophies and certificates from various cattle shows, exhibitions, the Canadian Holstein Association, and other farming organizations. The event will be a two-fold celebration. Brian and Sharon Connor will also celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary on Oct. 12.

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