11-year-old Waterville artist gives back to organization that helped her
Shaya Culberson, only 11 years old, is making a name for herself in the local art scene. One of her most recent pieces, a mixed-media creation on a 24×30-inch canvas, was auctioned off for $3,000 at a Jan. 14 Make-a-Wish Foundation fundraiser in Fredericton.
Shaya’s mother, Terra-Lynn Culberson, shared her pride in her daughter’s success.
“It was phenomenal. That amount could be a huge part of somebody’s wish; she just made a huge contribution,” said Terra-Lynn.
The family knows firsthand just how much impact Shaya’s contribution can have. Shaya lives with Cystic Fibrosis and was the recipient of her own wish in 2024. She decided to use her artwork to pay it forward.
Shaya is no stranger to the art world. Her mother, Terra-Lynn, is an accomplished artist who has been featured in multiple galleries and has sold many pieces of her own artistic creations.
Terra-Lynn shared that Shaya became interested in art when she was approximately three years old.
“I used to work at the Creek Village Gallery. When I was working there, she would paint while I was painting,” she said.
Terra-Lynn said Shaya quickly grew to love art but was frustrated that she couldn’t “do it like Mom.”
Terra-Lynn decided to introduce Shaya to different styles of artwork and higher-level art theory in hopes that she would find something she could make her own.
“She took all those techniques, put them together, and came up with her own style of artwork,” explained Terra-Lynn.

Shaya was proud to be the Young Spotlight Artist in January and have her artwork featured at the Creek Village Gallery.
Shaya is a mixed-media artist who creates modern art pieces on wood or fabric canvas using plaster, acrylic, alcohol, and resin.
Terra-Lynn admits there were some concerns that her pieces may be “too modern”; however, the response to Shaya’s artwork has been incredibly positive, and she is the gallery’s top seller for January.
“She initially brought in 20 pieces and sold so many she was able to bring in even more,” said Terra-Lynn.
When Shaya is not creating pieces for sale or fundraisers, Terra-Lynn said she also enjoys creating artwork for her friends as gifts. Her generosity was immediately evident to River Valley Sun, as when asked if she had any future goals for her artwork,
“I would love to earn money from my art to buy stuff for my brother,” she exclaimed.
She did admit that it would be nice to buy herself some Roblox gift cards and “exercise stuff,” too.
When asked what she liked best about creating artwork, Shaya said she appreciated that it was “easy to do.”
Terra-Lynn feels Shaya’s diagnosis is a part of her artwork.
“I think because of her life experiences, her Cystic Fibrosis, [Shaya] is very unique with her own style. We have always told her she doesn’t have to fit into the mold that everyone else might say she has to. She can be quirky, and because of that, she doesn’t worry about what people think or like – she likes making what she likes. And that’s what she brings to her art pieces.”