Move clocks back and change smoke alarm batteries on Sunday

by | Nov 3, 2023

N.B. Fire Marshal reminds residents to use the time change as a reminder to protect themselves and their families

As New Brunswickers turn back their clocks one hour on Sunday, the New Brunswick Fire Marshal reminds them to replace the batteries in their smoke and carbon monoxide alarms.

Daylight time ends at 2 a.m. on Sunday, Nov. 5.

“Ensuring that smoke and carbon monoxide alarms work provides an early warning to help escape a fire,” said Provincial Fire Marshal Mike Lewis. “Check that these alarms are working properly by replacing batteries and testing them.”

The Office of the Fire Marshal urges people to follow these steps to ensure their home is protected:

— Install smoke alarms in every bedroom, outside each sleeping area, and every level of your home, including the basement.

— Take note if the alarms are battery-powered or hard-wired.

— If you have an attached garage or any device that burns wood, gas, oil or propane, install a carbon monoxide alarm outside all sleeping areas. Replace these alarms every seven to 10 years, depending upon the manufacturer’s guidelines.

—  Press the test button on each smoke and carbon monoxide alarm. If it sounds, it confirms power is present and circuits are operating.

— Create and practise an escape plan with your family.

Additional fire safety tips are available online.

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