Looking back at 2025 and looking forward to 2025
RVS: What were Nackawic-Millville highlights in 2024?
TF: We had a busy year in 2024 with the Destination Nackawic Smallmouth Open in May, with 76 teams from Ontario to Nova Scotia participating, an announcement for $6.8 Million in funding from the provincial government’s Housing for All strategy towards infrastructure for our new housing development, and co-hosting the Pan Am Black Bass Championship in September with 54 teams representing seven countries and two First Nation groups.
RVS: What do you consider 2024’s biggest disappointment?
TF: We had hoped that we would see some progress by the province in fiscal reform for municipalities to help with additional stability and adequately fund municipalities for long-term success.
RVS: What are your biggest hopes for Nackawic-Millville in 2025?
TF: We have established substantial momentum in growing our community. We hope to build on that momentum and progress on fire hall replacement for our Dumfries Fire Station, expansion of Health Centre facilities and completion of the 1st phase of our housing development. In early 2025, the Council will be sharing a strategic plan with the community that will provide direction for growth and development of the municipality over the next five years.

RVS: Plans for the new residential development appear ready to take significant steps in 2025. What should residents expect to see?
TF: Construction work began in December 2024 and will continue through the summer of 2025 for the first phase of the housing development project. The first phase will provide opportunities for up to 109 doors through a combination of apartment rental units, garden home/townhouse units and single-family residential units. We anticipate that some housing construction will begin before the infrastructure construction is fully completed in September 2025.
RVS: Where is the current situation involving plans to establish a Credit Union in the former Scotiabank location?
TF: Work continues to meet the criteria and standards required by the regulators to form a new Credit Union. We hope to see this initiative take shape by the summer of 2025.
RVS: Nackawic-Millville has taken huge strides in its waterfront development in recent years. Should residents and visitors expect anything new this year?
TF: Part of our strategic plan development will identify project initiatives around the community, which will include the waterfront master plan that had previously been adopted by the Destination Nackawic Economic Development Corporation. Having established credibility and success in hosting major fishing events, we are talking with different organizations regarding hosting potential fishing events for 2025 and beyond.