RCMP investigating break, enter, and theft in Nackawic

by | Feb 3, 2024

RCMP Request for Public Assistance

Force asking for public’s assistance as it gathers info surrounding crime on Landegger Drive

The Nackawic RCMP is asking for the public’s help following a recent break, enter and theft in Nackawic.

In a Feb. 2 media release, the Nackawic detachment of the West District RCMP said it believes the crime occurred between Jan. 26 and 29 from an outbuilding at a property on Landegger Drive in Nackawic.

Police said an individual entered the building by forcing open the back wall. He then stole several items, including:

— Yardworks 15 cubic foot trailer

— Air compressor

— Husqvarna Weed Eater

— Lawnmower batteries

— Gas can

— Bottles of mixing/motor oil

— Accessories kit for air tools

— Air hose

— Grease gun

— Siphon pump

— Bluetooth ear protection

— Safety glasses

— $150 of gas

The RCMP asks that anyone living in the area who witnessed suspicious activity between January 26 and 29 or who has information that could help further the investigation contact the Nackawic RCMP at 506-357-4300.

The RCMP reminded the public that they can provide information anonymously through Crime Stoppers by calling 1-800-222-TIPS (8477), downloading the secure P3 Mobile App, or by Secure Web Tips at www.crimenb.ca.

N.B. ROAD CONDITIONS (click to view current)

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