Acclaimed Acadian trio to perform at the Woodstock shelter’s third annual Purple Night on the downtown waterfront
By Jim Dumville, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
Sanctuary House in Woodstock will present special guests as it hosts its third annual Purple Light Night on Nov. 1.
The Woodstock-based women’s shelter announced that the Acadian female trio, Les Chanterelles, will perform at the event in the King Street parking lot in downtown Woodstock.
Purple Light Night will begin at 7 p.m.
“This event aims to unite the community for an evening of entertainment while raising awareness and funds for Sanctuary House,” explained Woodstock Sanctuary House community outreach coordinator Melody Dickinson.
Purple Light Night will kick off November as Family Violence Prevention Month.
Dickinson explained that over the past two years, Sanctuary House joined other nonprofits and organizations across Canada to raise awareness about family violence and its impact on communities.
She explained the event in downtown Woodstock would entertain while informing the public about Sanctuary House’s role in helping women and children find refuge from violent home lives.

“The night will start with a few exhortations given by our mayor and members of the task force along with Sanctuary House staff,” said Dickinson. “Once the preliminary things are taken care of, The Chanterelles from Fredericton will be performing.
She said the trio is scheduled to perform for an hour.
Dickinson said the evening’s event will conclude with light refreshments and “a surprise element at the very end.”
Justine Everett, Juanita Bourque and Sylvia Reentovich formed the Chanterelles to pursue their love of three-part harmony and Acadian culture.
Dickinson urges the entire family to take in Purple Light Night.
“Although the topic is a heavy one, the event itself is going to be fun and appropriate for all ages to attend,” she said.