The Woodstock Police Force reminds the public about back-to-school safety

by | Sep 2, 2023

While officers will be out in force enforcing the laws, everyone needs to focus on keeping children safe

With children heading back to school after what, to most, seemed like a fast-moving summer vacation, the Woodstock Police Force is reminding the public about what should be well-known safety issues.

Woodstock Deputy Chief Mark Bennett explained the force issued a light-hearted reminder about a serious issue — the safety of our children — in a post on its Facebook site.

While the force added humour to the post to grab attention, Bennett and WPF officers want motorists and others to understand and follow the laws.

“Officers will be out ensuring they are visible in our school areas and making every effort to ensure a safe return to school for our youth,” Bennett said.

The post, headlined “Back to School Blues? Not on Our Watch,” includes a cartoon depicting two students looking back as they board a bus, saying, “I never knew that mom could do cartwheels!”

While highlighting the humour and positive aspects surrounding the start of the school year, the Woodstock force reminded the public of the severe consequences of not following traffic laws and ignoring safety.

“We’re not here to spoil the fun,” the force explains in its post, “we just want to keep everyone safe on the road.”

The post outlines what the WPF describes as the “big four” traffic offences officers will be watching for, namely “aggressive driving, distracted driving, seat belt shenanigans, and not stopping for school bus signals.”

The post calls on aggressive drivers, especially those taking the children to school, to “slow down, relax, and enjoy the ride.”

“Your kids will thank you for a smooth start to their day,” the WPF post explained.

The post delves deeply into distracted driving, using light-hearted viewpoints to drive home a serious concern.

“Multitasking might be great for homework, but it’s a big no-no behind the wheel, the WPF reminds motorists. “Put down the snacks, say goodbye to that text message, and focus on driving. We promise TikTok will still be there when you park.”

The WPF’s back-to-school post includes a reminder to use seatbelts as designed.

“They keep you safe, and they’re the law,” the post stated.

Finally, the WPF reminded the public of one of the most vital issues surrounding back-to-school safety — following the law surrounding stopping requirements for school buses.

Noting excited children don’t always put safety first when boarding or exiting a bus, the WPF explained the law requires all motorists to stop when bus lights are flashing.

While Woodstock Police Force officers will maintain a significant presence during the back-to-school rush, Bennett reminds the public that everyone plays a role in ensuring students’ safety.

“Remember, even though we will have officers out and about during the back-to-school rush, we all have to work together to ensure Woodstock roads remain safe as our precious cargo returns to the world of reading, writing, and arithmetic,” the WPF emphasized to end its Facebook post.

Check out the Woodstock Police Force back-to-school post on its Facebook site at  (20+) Facebook

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