☆☆Reminder Lakeland Ridges after hours clinic open Tuesday August 1st 5pm – 8pm at 22 Mill St Canterbury, first come first serve☆☆
**Please read prior to attending our After Hours Clinic.
**Upon arrival, please SIGN IN and fill out the history sheet provided.
-Please bring your valid Medicare card with you.
– Bring any medications or a medication list, with dosages, with you to the clinic.
-This clinic will be providing NON-urgent medical needs such as but not limited to;
Minor upper respiratory infections, headaches, hypertension, joint pain/strains, minor lacerations and soft tissue injuries, uncomplicated urinary tract infections, Gynecological issues/PAP smears, STI screening, GI issues and abdominal pain, Rashes/skin issues, refill of ongoing medications, uncomplicated mental health concerns.
-There will be NO long term narcotic prescriptions written.
If you have ANY covid19 symptoms, please test prior to attending and wear a mask.
If your test is POSITIVE, do not attend the Walk-In Clinic.
• Any acute or serious medical conditions that present to the After Hours Clinic will be directed to the nearest Emergency Room.
• Driver Medicals available for $65 cash, paperwork noted completed at after hours clinic.