Town to hire consultant to study condition of town hall complex

by | Jan 29, 2025

CAO also updates councillors on funding requirements to complete the upgrade and expansion of public works building

Woodstock will consult outside experts as it plans the future of its town hall, police station, and fire hall. 

During its Jan. 14 regular meeting, the council authorized the finance committee to seek a provider to undertake an extensive review of the condition of the current town hall complex at 824 Main Street. 

With Mayor Trna Jones declaring a conflict of interest and leaving chambers, Deputy Mayor Mark Rogers chaired the meeting. He called on CAO Allan Walker to explain the proposal. 

Walker explained the selected consultant would determine the town hall complex’s “suitability as an interim base for the Woodstock Police Force staff and long-term home for Town Hall staff.” 

He said the study would assess the structure’s architectural, mechanical, electrical, structural, and civil conditions. It would also recommend required remediation and estimate costs.

The CAO added the project would not include any future design for the building. 

“The pending expansion of the Woodstock Police Force (WPF), combined with the current and projected staff requirements for the town requires an assessment of future facilities needs,” he told the council.  

Walker explained that the town would need to find a temporary location to house town hall staff over the next three to five years, while the current town hall serves as the temporary home for the Woodstock Police Force. 

He explained that over that time, the town will study and potentially decide on, design, and build a new police and/or fire station. 

“Once a new Protective Services facility is in place, the intent is to redesign the existing town hall/fire hall as a long-term home for town hall staff and council chambers, with potential ancillary uses if applicable,” Walker said. 

Noting the town hall dates to 1962 and is wholly owned by the town, the CAO described it as “prudent to thoroughly assess the current condition of the building to determine if it is viable long term, and what, if any, remediation work and costs would be necessary.”

The council agreed that the finance committee should evaluate submissions to the town’s request for proposals to analyze the town hall complex before recommending a proposal to the council. 

In other town infrastructure news, the council heard further funding requirements to complete the expansion and upgrades to the town’s public works building in Grafton. 

Mayor Jones returned to the meeting for the discussion of the public works upgrades. 

Last year, the council approved a capital expenditure of $75,000 to begin upgrades to the building. The CAO explained that the town spent $48,305 to pour a foundation, raise walls, and build a roof in 2024.  

The CAO said the town transferred what remained of the $75,000 to capital reserves. He said the council must now approve an estimated additional $99,000 to complete the public works building project. 

Walker told the council that the total project cost, approximately $147,000, aligns with the original cost estimates. 

The building’s expansion and upgrade will add offices for the Public Works and Utilities Directors, the town mechanic and the soon-to-be-hired utilities supervisor. 

It will also add a meeting/training room, improved locker and change facilities, upgrade the existing washroom to a potential female-designated washroom and a new, larger, handicap-accessible washroom. Recommendation: 

The council recommended that the finance committee review the proposals and make a recommendation to the mayor and council before finalizing the work. 

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