Woodstock Provincial Court: Two men charged under Fish and Wildlife Act; Woodstock man receives suspended sentence in assault case

by | Mar 6, 2024

Two charged under Fish and Wildlife Act

Brian Trevor Fox, 47, of Meductic, and Joseph Roy, 63, of Bedell, will appear in provincial court on March 26 at 9:30 a.m. to answer multiple charges under the Fish and Wildlife Act.

Fox was charged with illegal possession of a deer carcass, discharging a firearm too close to a dwelling, possession of a firearm (a shotgun) without a licence, failing to wear hunter orange, and driving an ATV without a helmet in connection with an incident on Nov. 15, 2023, near Meductic.

Roy was charged with illegal possession of a deer carcass, discharging a firearm too close to a dwelling, hunting antlerless deer without the proper licence, possession of a loaded gun in a vehicle, failing to properly tag a deer, and driving an ATV without a helmet concerning the same incident.

Both men appeared in court on Feb. 27 when the matter was adjourned for plea to the new date. Provincial game wardens laid the charges.

Suspended sentence on assault charge

Earle James Demerchant, 33, of Woodstock, received a suspended sentence and was placed on 12 months of probation when he appeared in provincial court on March 5.

Demerchant was charged by Woodstock Police with assault involving a female victim and breach of an undertaking for incidents on June 1, 2021, and Nov. 11, 2022, in Woodstock. He pleaded guilty to both charges. The accused had a dated prior criminal record. 

Couple facing trafficking, firearm charges

Patrick Thomas Tatlock, 59, and Marlene Donovan, 55, of Wapske, appeared in provincial court on March 5 to face drug trafficking and firearm charges. 

Tatlock appeared in court in custody by video and returned for a plea on April 9 at 9:30 a.m. He was denied bail following a bail hearing in January.

He was charged with possession of methamphetamine for the purpose of trafficking and unlawful possession of cannabis for the purpose of selling it concerning an incident on Dec. 12, 2023, at Wapske. He appeared in court in custody on Dec. 13, 2023, after being arrested on multiple charges by RCMP. 

Tatlock was also charged with three counts of possession of a firearm while prohibited, two counts of improper storage of a firearm, and three counts of possession of stolen property concerning incidents on Dec. 3 and Dec. 12, 2023, in Wapske. Two other charges of altering a manufacturer’s serial number were also laid under the Motor Vehicle Act. The court heard more charges are pending against him.

Donovan also appeared in court on March 5. She was charged with possession of methamphetamine for the purpose of trafficking, unlawful possession of cannabis for the purpose of selling it, possession of stolen property, two counts of possession of a firearm without a licence, and improper storage of a firearm for an incident on Dec. 12, 2023, at Wapske. She also returns to court for plea on April 9 at 9:30 a.m.

Found not criminally responsible

Steven Frank Powers, 59, of Plaster Rock, appeared in provincial court in custody by video on March 5 for a fitness hearing. 

Judge Lucie Mathurin told the court a medical report from the Restigouche Hospital stated Powers was not criminally responsible due to a mental disorder. 

He was remanded in February for a mental health assessment after being arrested by RCMP. He was charged with breach of an undertaking and violating probation for an incident last month in Plaster Rock. 

Judge Mathurin ordered him to remain in custody at the psychiatric facility until the province’s Mental Health Review Board rules on how long he must be incarcerated in a mental institution. Powers told the judge he would stay at the hospital as ordered.

Sentencing adjourned for pre-sentence report

Shane Lee Dickison, 35, of Woodstock, will appear in provincial court for sentencing on May 7 at 1:30 p.m. after changing his plea to guilty on two charges laid by Woodstock Police. 

Dickison was scheduled for sentencing on March 5, but the matter was adjourned to allow for the completion of a pre-sentence report.

He was charged with two violations of an Emergency Intervention Order for incidents on June 18-19, 2023, when he went to a local residence while ordered to stay away. 

Dickison appeared in provincial court in custody by video on July 17, 2023, after being arrested on a warrant. He was arrested after he failed to appear in provincial court to answer the charges on July 11, 2023. He was later released with conditions.

Sentenced to 30 days on weekends

Stephanie James, 44, of Florenceville-Bristol, was sentenced to 30 days in jail, to be served on weekends, after pleading guilty to impaired driving. She was also prohibited from driving for two years and was placed on three months of probation.

James was charged by RCMP for an incident on Dec. 2, 2023, at Florenceville-Bristol. Police spotted a vehicle travelling slowly and crossing the center line on Route 105 and found James behind the wheel. Her blood alcohol level was two and a half times the legal limit. The accused had one prior conviction in 2019. 

Charged with firearm offences

Eric Trecartin of East Brighton will appear in provincial court on March 26 at 9:30 a.m. to answer firearm charges laid by RCMP. 

Trecartin was charged with possession of a firearm without a licence, being an occupant of a vehicle knowing it carried a gun, possession of a firearm while prohibited from having it, transporting a firearm (a rifle) carelessly in connection with an incident on Nov. 10, 2023, at Rosedale. He made his first court appearance on March 5.

Trial scheduled on assault charges

Robert Corey Goodine of Perth-Andover appeared in provincial court on March 5 and pleaded not guilty to assault charges laid by RCMP. His trial date was set for Sept. 9 at 9:30 a.m.

Goodine appeared in provincial court in custody on Jan. 22 for a bail hearing and was released with conditions. He was charged with assault with a weapon (a set of keys) involving a female victim between Jan. 1, 2022, and Feb. 28, 2022, at Perth-Andover, and assault by choking between Jan. 1, 2021, and Dec. 31, 2021, at Perth-Andover. He was released on an undertaking and ordered to have no contact with the complainant.

Plea adjourned to new date

Ronald McLaughlin, 33, of St. Stephen, will appear in provincial court on March 19 at 9:30 a.m. for plea on charges laid by RCMP. 

He appeared in provincial court in custody by video for a bail hearing on Feb. 5 and was released with conditions. 

McLaughlin appeared in provincial court in custody on Jan. 30. RCMP charged him with dangerous driving, driving while suspended, and driving without insurance following an incident on Jan. 29 in Grafton. A warrant is being held on file until his next court appearance.

Trial set for Upper Kintore man

Cole Wade Gray, 23, of Upper Kintore, appeared in provincial court in custody on March 5 and was released without conditions. He was arrested on a warrant for failing to appear in court on Feb. 27.

RCMP charged Gray with breaching curfew and a release order at Aroostook between Nov. 27 and Dec. 1, 2023. He pleaded not guilty to both charges, and his trial date was set for Jan. 9, 2025, at 9:30 a.m.

In custody awaiting plea

Ryan Troy O’Donnell, 27, of Johnville, appeared in provincial court in custody by video on March 5 for plea on charges laid by RCMP. The matter was adjourned until March 19 at 9:30 a.m. 

O’Donnell appeared in provincial court in custody on Feb. 23 for a bail hearing and was remanded to jail. RCMP charged him with breach of a release order and sexual assault. He appeared in provincial court in custody on Feb. 15 and was remanded.

He also appeared in provincial court in custody on Jan. 24 for a bail hearing. He was released with conditions, including wearing an electronic monitoring device attached to his ankle, but was brought back into custody.

O’Donnell was charged by RCMP with assault involving a female victim, uttering threats, and breach of probation concerning an incident on Jan. 25 near Johnville. 

April 5 will also be his hearing date for an alleged breach of a conditional sentence order.

O’Donnell received a nine-month conditional sentence on Aug. 1, 2023, after pleading guilty to indictable assault, theft, breach of a release order, two counts of violation of probation, uttering threats and assault on a female victim. He spent five months in remand before being released on a conditional sentence. O’Donnell has a prior criminal record.

Plea adjourned, warrant on file

Ciji Ann Perley, 35, of Neqotkuk, will appear in provincial court on April 2 at 9:30 a.m. for a plea on one charge laid by RCMP.

Perley was charged with criminal negligence causing bodily harm concerning an incident on July 1, 2023, at Neqotkuk. She was scheduled for plea on March 5 but was granted an adjournment at the request of her defence counsel. 

A warrant will be held on file until her next court appearance. The court heard Perley is now living in Montreal.

Nowlan to stand trial on two sets of charges

Jerod Nowlan, 40, of Wotstak (Woodstock First Nation), was scheduled to appear in provincial court on March 5 for monitoring about his trial. The court heard from his defence counsel that the accused would be ready to proceed to trial.

Nowlan pleaded not guilty to firearm charges laid by RCMP. A trial date was set for Sept. 5-6 at 9:30 a.m. 

Nowlan was charged with possession of a firearm without a licence (a rifle), improper storage of a gun, and possession of a firearm with the serial number altered concerning an incident on July 27 at Rosedale. 

Nowlan is also scheduled to appear for trial in provincial court on Aug. 8 at 9:30 a.m. after pleading not guilty to an assault charge. RCMP charged him with assault on a minor in connection with an incident between April 1 and April 30, 2023, in Coldstream. He pleaded not guilty on Sept. 12, 2023. 

Plea adjourned to new date

Brady Brooks, 33, of Woodstock, appeared in provincial court on March 5 for plea on charges laid by Woodstock Police. The matter was adjourned until April 2 at 9:30 a.m. 

Brooks appeared in provincial court in custody by video on Jan. 4 for a bail hearing and was released with conditions. He later spent time in hospital for mental health issues.

Woodstock Police charged Brooks with uttering threats and breaking into a dwelling house in connection with incidents between Dec. 29, 2023, and Jan. 1 in Woodstock. As part of his release order, he was ordered to reside in Southampton and follow a curfew.  

Returning for plea on three charges

Trevor Lee Bear, 26, of Neqotkuk, appeared in provincial court on March 5 for plea on several charges laid by RCMP. The matter was adjourned until March 26 at 9:30 a.m. 

Bear appeared in provincial court in custody for a bail hearing on Feb. 5 and was released with conditions. RCMP charged him with breaking into a dwelling house, assault causing bodily harm involving a female victim, and taking possession of a minor without having lawful care or consent in connection with an incident on Feb. 1 at Neqotkuk. He was arrested and spent the weekend in jail.

Facing break and enter charge

Nicholas Adam Cullins of Ashland appeared in provincial court on March 5 for plea on one charge laid by Woodstock Police. The matter was adjourned until March 26 at 9:30 a.m. to allow him more time to secure legal counsel.

Cullins appeared in provincial court in custody on Feb. 9 and was released with conditions. He was arrested on a warrant. He was charged with break, enter, and theft at a storage facility on Popular Street in Woodstock on March 15, 2023. 

Trial date pending on assault charge

Michael Peter Clark of Woodstock appeared in provincial court on March 5 to set a date for his trial. The matter was adjourned until March 19 at 9:30 a.m.

Clark appeared in provincial court in custody on Feb. 8 and was released with conditions. The court heard he turned himself in to the police after a warrant was issued for his arrest on Feb. 6.

Woodstock Police charged Clark with assaulting another man in connection with an incident in Woodstock on Aug. 14, 2023. He pleaded not guilty, and his trial date will be set at his next court appearance on March 19 at 9:30 a.m.

Charged in Christmas Day incident

Thomas Crawford, 57, of St. Almo near Plaster Rock, will appear in provincial court on April 2 at 9:30 a.m. to set a date for his trial on five charges laid by RCMP. The matter was scheduled for March 5 but was adjourned to the new date at the request of his defence counsel.

Crawford was charged with assault involving a female victim, committing mischief causing property damage to a cell phone, and uttering threats in connection with an incident on Dec. 25, 2023, near St. Almo. 

He was also charged with breach of an undertaking by violating a no-contact order and uttering threats concerning a separate incident on Jan. 7 near St. Almo. At a court appearance on Feb. 6, he pleaded not guilty on all counts.

Arrest warrant issued

The court issued an arrest warrant for Corey Andrew Lane, 39, of Woodstock, after he failed to appear in provincial court for a plea on March 5.

Lane appeared in provincial court in custody on Feb. 7 and was released with conditions. The RCMP charged him with breaching an undertaking by violating a no-contact order concerning an incident on Feb. 7 at Newbridge. He was ordered to have no contact with the complainant.

Gladwyn man to stand trial

Billy Joe Pelletier, 37, of Gladwyn, appeared in provincial court on March 5 to answer an impaired driving charge. He pleaded not guilty, and his trial date was set for Feb. 27, 2025, at 1:30 p.m.

The RCMP charged Pelletier in connection with an incident on Nov. 9, 2023, in Rowena. He will also appear for trial on three other charges. 

Pelletier was charged with impaired driving and two counts of endangering the life of a child in connection with an incident on April 14, 2023, at Gladwyn. The trial was adjourned until June 19 at 1:30 p.m.

Neqotkuk man pleads not guilty

Dallas Adrian Bernard, 24, of Neqotkuk, appeared in provincial court on March 5 and pleaded not guilty to an impaired driving charge. His trial was set for Feb. 27, 2025, at 9:30 a.m.

RCMP charged Bernard following an incident on Nov. 17, 2023, near Perth-Andover.

New date for trial continuation 

Paul Porter, 70, of Rowena, Victoria County, appeared in provincial on March 4 for the second day of his trial on an impaired driving charge. The matter was adjourned until March 15 at 1:30 p.m.

Porter appeared in court on Feb. 12 after pleading not guilty. The trial proceeded and continues to a second day on March 15. RCMP charged Porter with impaired driving following an incident on April 17, 2022, near Burntland Brook. 

Matter moved to alternative measures

Joseph Sockabasin, 31, of Neqotkuk, appeared in provincial court on March 5 for monitoring about his trial. The matter was moved to the alternative measures program, so the trial will not proceed. 

RCMP charged Sockabasin with two counts of assault with a weapon (a paintball gun) in connection with an incident on June 25 at Neqotkuk. The charges involve two minors. 

He pleaded not guilty and a trial date was set for Sept. 9 at 9:30 a.m. He has until June 4 to complete the requirements of the alternative measures program to have the charges withdrawn.

Arrest warrant issued

The court issued an arrest warrant for Lacy Ann McClendon of Perth-Andover after she failed to appear in provincial court on March 5 for monitoring about her trial.

McClendon appeared in provincial court on Nov. 28, 2023, to answer several charges. She pleaded not guilty on all counts, and a trial date was set for Aug. 29 at 9:30 a.m. 

RCMP charged McClendon with obstructing police and breaching a no-contact order for an incident on Nov. 4 at Perth-Andover. She was charged with breach of an undertaking by violating a no-contact order concerning another incident on Sept. 28 in Lindsay. Woodstock Police also charged her with assaulting a male victim on Sept. 13 at Woodstock.

McClendon appeared in provincial court in custody on Sept. 29 and was released with conditions. 

Charged with impaired driving

Jade Elizabeth Robbins, 21, of Fredericton, will appear in provincial court on March 26 at 9:30 a.m. for plea on an impaired driving charge. 

She was scheduled for a plea on March 5, but the matter was adjourned to the new date. Woodstock Police charged Robbins following an incident on Sept. 4, 2023, in Woodstock. 

Trial set on assault charges

Ferdinand Sadian Vibas, 38, and Christina Cacdac Vibas, 39, both of Woodstock, will appear for trial in provincial court on Jan. 29-30, 2025, at 9:30 a.m. after pleading not guilty to assault charges. 

They were each charged by Woodstock Police in connection with incidents between June 1, 2023, and Sept. 18, 2023, in Woodstock. Their defence counsel entered not-guilty pleas on Feb. 27. 

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