Woodstock Provincial Court: Two years for drug trafficking, Perth-Andover man in custody after fleeing police

by | Apr 4, 2024

Two years in prison for drug trafficking

Jeffrey Phillips, 60, of Neqotkuk, was sentenced to two years in federal prison for drug trafficking when he appeared in provincial court on April 3.

In pronouncing the sentence, Judge Scott A. Brittain also ordered him to register with the federal DNA database and imposed a 10-year prohibition on firearms. 

Phillips pleaded guilty to possession of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking for an incident on Feb. 28, 2020, at Neqotkuk. The crown withdrew two other charges. Phillips had a prior criminal record for drug possession.

A co-accused, Rhonda Perley, 59, pleaded guilty to trafficking in cocaine for an incident on Feb. 27, 2020, at Neqotkuk. She will be sentenced on May 28 at 1:30 p.m. and was released with conditions until her next court appearance. She came to court on March 12 for sentencing, but the matter was adjourned to allow for completing a pre-sentence report.

RCMP charged them after undercover police officers purchased cocaine from them at their home in Neqotkuk. The crown said the officers dealt with Phillips to make the purchase, but Perley was inside the house and aware of what was happening. Perley also talked to the officers about the deal and possible future deals.

Judge Brittain told the court Phillips and Perley were targeted by police as part of “an extensive and coordinated investigation” into drug trafficking at Neqotkuk. Police were called to investigate at the request of the band council, who were concerned about the level of drug abuse in the community. 

Brittain described Phillips as a “low level addict trafficker” who sold drugs to pay for his own addiction. The judge said the accused’s actions had a “pervasive impact” on the First Nation community.

Perley and Phillips were arrested on warrants in January and released with conditions following a bail hearing. They were both scheduled to be sentenced on the charges when they requested another hearing but failed to attend court on Aug. 29, 2021. Warrants were issued for their arrest.

Coldstream woman arrested on new charges

Alexandra Marie Weeks, 20, of Coldstream, appeared in provincial court in custody on April 2 to answer four new charges laid by RCMP. She was released from custody with conditions and returns to court for plea on April 30 at 9:30 a.m.

Weeks was charged with possession of methamphetamine, possession of a stolen vehicle, possession of stolen property (licence plates) and breach of probation in connection with an incident on April 1 at East Brighton. She was ordered to reside at a residence in Coldstream, follow a curfew, and abstain from drugs or alcohol as part of her release.

Newbridge woman arrested on four charges

Tracy Taylor, 41, of Newbridge, appeared in provincial court in custody on April 2 to answer four charges laid by RCMP. She was released with conditions and returns to court for plea on April 30 at 9:30 a.m.

Taylor was charged with careless use of a firearm, pointing a gun at another person, possession of a firearm without a licence (a shotgun and rifle) and uttering threats against a male victim in connection with an incident between March 3 and March 31 in Newbridge.

Another charge for Woodstock man

Hilton Romeo Fredericks, 26, of Woodstock, appeared in provincial court in custody on April 3 to answer a new charge laid by Woodstock Police.

Fredericks was charged with assaulting another man concerning an incident on April 2 in Woodstock. He was released with conditions and returns to court for plea on April 9 at 9:30 a.m. He was ordered to reside in Kirkland as part of his release order.

Fredericks appeared in provincial court in custody on March 18 on a charge of breaching his release order laid by Woodstock Police. He was released with conditions and returns to court on April 9 at 9:30 a.m. to plead to that charge.

Fredericks also appeared in provincial court on March 12 and pleaded not guilty to two other charges laid by Woodstock Police. His trial date was set for Jan. 13, 2025, at 9:30 a.m.

Woodstock Police charged him with assault involving a female victim and breach of an undertaking in connection with an incident on Jan. 23 in Woodstock. He was brought into custody on Jan. 26 and spent the weekend in jail before being released with conditions.

Arrested after fleeing from police

James Blair Hovey, 27, of Perth-Andover, was arrested on the weekend and appeared in provincial court in custody by video on April 2. He was released with conditions, including a curfew, and returns to court for plea on April 30 at 9:30 a.m.

RCMP charged Hovey with possession of a stolen ATV, flight from police, and breach of probation concerning an incident on March 30 at Tobique Narrows. 

In custody on new charges

Crystal Lee Phillips, 44, of Richmond Corner, appeared in provincial court in custody by video on April 2 on three new charges laid by Woodstock Police. She was released with conditions, including a curfew, and returns to court for plea on April 30 at 9:30 a.m.

Phillips was charged with possession of methamphetamine, breaking into a dwelling house on March 31 in Woodstock, and flight from police on Feb. 6. 

She is also scheduled for trial on Jan. 16, 2025, at 9:30 a.m. in relation to other separate charges. She appeared in court on Feb. 20 to get a new trial date after coming to court in January unprepared for her trial.

Phillips was charged by Woodstock Police with possession of stolen property (a Sobeys gift card) in connection with an incident on May 30, 2022, in Woodstock. 

Arrested on assault charges

Douglas Thomas Defazio, 35, of Woodstock, appeared in provincial court in custody on April 3 to answer assault charges laid by Woodstock Police. He was released with conditions and returns to court for plea on April 30 at 9:30 a.m.

Defazio was charged with two counts of assault on a female victim, uttering threats, assault with a weapon (chunks of ice), and breach of a peace bond concerning incidents on March 30 and April 1 in Woodstock. He was ordered to reside at a residence in Richmond Corner.

Beechwood man handed conditional sentence

Levi Davenport, 37, of Beechwood, appeared in provincial court on April 2 and received a six-month conditional sentence and a $200 fine. 

Davenport was charged with break, enter and theft at a garage and breach of probation, stemming from an incident on March 17, 2023, in Beechwood. He pleaded guilty on both counts. 

The court heard he works full-time, so his house arrest will allow him to attend work and follow a curfew. Davenport had a prior criminal record.

Fined $500 for fleeing police

Michael James Watson, 30, of Bath, appeared in provincial court for sentencing on April 2 after changing his plea to guilty on charges laid by RCMP. 

Watson was charged with flight from police, driving while suspended, and driving a motor vehicle without a licence plate displayed for an incident on Oct. 23, 2022, at the Ultramar in Bath. 

He pleaded guilty to the flight charge and was fined $500. At an earlier court appearance, he pleaded guilty to the licence plate offence and received a $168 fine. The crown withdrew the remaining charge. Watson had a prior criminal record.

Released from custody until sentencing

Darren Richard Hamilton, 43, of Woodstock, appeared in provincial court in custody on April 3 for sentencing on one charge laid by Woodstock Police. His sentencing was adjourned until April 30 at 9:30 a.m., and he was released with conditions.

Hamilton was arrested on a warrant after failing to appear in provincial court for plea on Feb. 6. He was charged with breaking into a dwelling house to commit mischief concerning an incident between Aug. 5-6, 2023, in Woodstock. He pleaded guilty and waived his bail.

On April 3, the court heard Hamilton had been homeless for some time. He spent 42 days in custody before his release to await sentencing. He was ordered to return to court on April 30, or another arrest warrant would be issued.

Sentencing adjourned for Plaster Rock man

Corbin Messinger, 22, of Plaster Rock, appeared in provincial court in custody by video on April 2 for sentencing on five charges laid by RCMP. The matter was adjourned until April 15 at 1:30 p.m. 

Messinger pleaded guilty to two counts of breaching a release order and two counts of uttering threats following an incident on Jan. 20 at Plaster Rock. He also pleaded guilty to assault while threatening to use a weapon (a knife) stemming from an incident on Jan. 7 at Plaster Rock.

He appeared in provincial court in custody on Jan. 22, only four days after his release from jail and was remanded for a bail hearing. He pleaded guilty and was remanded for sentencing.

Perth-Andover woman charged

Tanna Wright of Perth-Andover will appear in provincial court for plea on April 23 at 9:30 a.m. on three charges laid by RCMP.

Wright is facing assault with a weapon (knives and a bat) charges and two counts of uttering threats stemming from an incident on Dec. 16, 2023, at Greenfield. She appeared in court on April 2 when the matter was adjourned to the new date at the request of her defence counsel.

Woodstock man sent to rehab facility 

Julian Cassius Atherton, 18, of Woodstock, appeared in provincial court in custody on April 2 for monitoring on drug and weapons charges laid by Woodstock Police. He was released with conditions, including full detention at a rehab facility near Moncton. He returns to court for further monitoring on April 30 at 1:30 p.m.

Atherton is charged with possession of methamphetamine for the purpose of trafficking, possession of a weapon dangerous to the public peace (knives), committing mischief and five counts of breaching a release order. He pleaded not guilty on all counts, and trial dates were set for May 22-23 and May 29-30 at 9:30 a.m. 

The charges were laid following an incident on Jan. 29 at 4:30 a.m. when Woodstock Police observed an adult male and a young offender prowling in dark clothing. The two were arrested, and a quantity of crystal meth, meth pills and several knives were seized. Police believe one of the individuals is linked to a series of property crimes and graffiti incidents in the town.

Sentencing set on two charges

Trevor Lee Bear, 26, of Neqotkuk, appeared in provincial court on April 2 and pleaded guilty to two of the RCMP’s four charges. He returns to court for sentencing on July 9 at 1:30 p.m.

Bear was charged with prowling, breaking into a dwelling house, assault causing bodily harm involving a female victim, and taking possession of a minor without having lawful care or consent in connection with an incident on Feb. 1 at Neqotkuk. He appeared in provincial court in custody for a bail hearing on Feb. 5 and was released with conditions.

On April 2, he pleaded guilty to assault, causing bodily harm and breaking into a dwelling house. The crown withdrew the remaining charges. 

Plea adjourned to new date

Brady Brooks, 33, of Woodstock, appeared in provincial court on April 2 for plea on charges laid by Woodstock Police. The matter was adjourned until April 23 at 9:30 a.m. at the request of his defence counsel.

Brooks appeared in provincial court in custody by video on Jan. 4 for a bail hearing and was released with conditions. He later spent time in hospital for mental health issues.

Woodstock Police charged Brooks with uttering threats and breaking into a house in connection with incidents between Dec. 29, 2023, and Jan. 1 in Woodstock. As part of his release order, he was ordered to live in Southampton and follow a curfew.  

Trial set on impaired driving charge

Jean Paul Lutwick, 45, of Richmond Corner, will appear for trial in provincial court on July 3 at 9:30 a.m. after pleading not guilty to impaired driving. On April 2, he appeared in provincial court for monitoring and told the court he still needed to secure legal counsel.

Lutwick was charged by Woodstock Police following an incident on April 6 in Woodstock. He entered his not-guilty plea at a court appearance on Sept. 19, 2023. The court heard the crown would be seeking jail time for the accused if he is convicted of the offence.

Plea adjourned, warrant on file

Ciji Ann Perley, 35, of Neqotkuk, will appear in provincial court on April 30 at 1:30 p.m. for plea on one charge laid by RCMP.

Perley was charged with criminal negligence causing bodily harm concerning an incident on July 1, 2023, at Neqotkuk. She was scheduled for plea on April 2 but was granted an adjournment at the request of her defence counsel. 

A warrant will be held on file until her next court appearance. The court heard Perley is now living in Montreal.

Agreed to peace bond

Thomas Crawford, 57, of St. Almo near Plaster Rock, appeared in provincial court on April 2 to set a date for his trial on five charges laid by RCMP. He agreed to sign a 12-month peace bond and the matter did not proceed.

Crawford was charged with assault involving a female victim, committing mischief causing property damage to a cell phone, and uttering threats in connection with an incident on Dec. 25, 2023, near St. Almo. He was also charged with breach of an undertaking by violating a no-contact order and uttering threats concerning a separate incident on Jan. 7 near St. Almo. He pleaded not guilty on all counts at a court appearance on Feb. 6.

Charged with impaired driving

Cindy Darlene Nicholson, 51, of Centreville, will appear in provincial court on April 30 at 9:30 a.m. for plea on an impaired driving charge.

Woodstock Police charged Nicholson in connection with an incident on Oct. 16, 2023, in Woodstock. She was scheduled to plead on April 2, but the matter was adjourned to the new date to allow her more time to consult legal counsel.

Plea pending on fraud charge

Edwin Norman Pardy, 64, of Carlow, will appear in provincial court on April 23 at 9:30 a.m. for plea on a fraud charge laid by Woodstock Police.

Pardy was charged with defrauding Service Canada for an amount exceeding $5,000 concerning incidents between July 27, 2017, and Nov. 26, 2021, at Woodstock. He was scheduled for plea on April 2 when the matter was adjourned to allow him more time to secure legal counsel.

Trial set on two charges

Chad Evans Cote, 45, of Anfield, Victoria County, appeared in provincial court on April 2 and pleaded not guilty to two charges laid by RCMP. His trial date was set for March 14, 2025, at 1:30 p.m. 

Cote was charged with assaulting another man and uttering threats following an incident on Nov. 12, 2023, at Perth-Andover. A monitoring date was also set for Sept. 24 at 9:30 a.m. to confirm he has legal counsel for his trial.

Returning to court for plea

Joshua Desroches, 19, of Woodstock, appeared in provincial court on April 2 for plea on a charge the judge said put the accused in handcuffs three times. The matter was adjourned until April 16 at 9:30 a.m. to allow the accused more time to secure legal counsel.

Desroches appeared in provincial court in custody for a bail hearing on March 21 after being arrested on a warrant for failing to appear. He was released from custody with conditions. 

An arrest warrant was issued for Desroches after he failed to appear in provincial court for plea on Feb. 13. He appeared in provincial court in custody on Jan. 19 after being arrested on a warrant for failing to appear. He was released with conditions and then taken back into custody.

RCMP charged Desroches with breach of an undertaking by violating a no-contact order stemming from an incident on Sept. 25, 2023, near Woodstock. He was arrested and later released from custody with conditions with an order to attend court and have no contact with the complainant. The court heard he also has other charges in Fredericton.

Perth-Andover man on trial on sex charges

Matthew Eric Hughes, 28, of Perth-Andover, appeared in provincial court on April 3 for the continuation of his trial on two sex charges laid by RCMP. Testimony for the crown concluded, and the trial was adjourned until May 9 at 9:30 a.m.

RCMP charged Hughes with touching a minor for a sexual purpose and invitation to touching for a sexual purpose, stemming from an incident on Oct. 20, 2015, near Perth-Andover. The first day of the trial took place on Oct. 11, 2023. 

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