Woodstock water upgrades will affect water flow in large section of town

by | Jan 10, 2024

Utility director says crews will work at Eastwood service tower on Thursday afternoon, Jan. 11

Residents and businesses in the north end of Woodstock may experience low water pressure on Thursday afternoon, Jan. 11, as Woodstock utility crews carry out ongoing upgrades at the Eastwood Service Tower.

In a Jan. 10 news release, Woodstock Director of Utility John Lyons said the work is part of the generator project upgrade.

“As part of Woodstock (Ward 4) ongoing upgrades, we confirm the electrical is scheduled to be completed on Thursday, Jan. 11, between the hours of 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. at the Eastwood Service Tower.”

The release included a map indicating which town streets would experience low water pressure as the crews did their work. The work would affect the streets highlighted in yellow on the map.

Affected streets include Connell Street from Connell Park Road to Gallop Street, Main Street from Neilson Street to Cambridge Street, and all streets in between.

The upgrades at the Eastwood service station are part of an ongoing plan to improve the town’s aging water and sewer system.

At the Jan. 9 committee-in-council meeting, CAO Allan Walker shared information from Lyons’ utility report, which included upgrades to the water pump at Eastwood Heights. Those upgrades involved the installation of the generator on Thursday afternoon.

The utility report also cited four water breaks between Dec. 12 and Jan. 4 on Orange Street, Creighton Street North, Park Street and Water Street.

The report also detailed several repairs required at sewer lift stations, including a force main break repair at the Lower Main Street lift station and the lift station near Harvest House.

Crews also dealt with an overcurrent fault at the Harvest House station, which Lyons explained was probably a result of the December wind-storm power outages.

Lyons said crews also responded to a pump failure at Ironwood lift station.

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