Truck and tractor pull adds video replay and new 50/50 draw to elevate event
The Centreville Power Pull organizing committee wants to grow the event, and Garth Seely said that means doing more for the spectators and the community.
“We added the instant replay, which we think adds a lot of value,” said Seely, who co-chairs the event with Byron McGrath.
Aurora Productions out of Fredericton, headed by brothers Zack and Ken Dickinson, had multiple video angles, including a camera capturing all the action on a zipline. This gave the crowd a more intimate view of the action and immediate replays.
“That was something we didn’t have before, and it worked really well,” said Seely.
Also new this year was the Rafflebox 50/50 draw, which was won by Christal Demerchant, who walked away with $16,362.50.
Proceeds from the draw will be donated to several community organizations over the coming months.
Scott Seely is the head of tech and safety for the Maritime Truck and Tractor Pull Association.
This year, the pull saw people blocked from the area directly beside the track.
“Thankfully, nothing ever happened previous to this, but it was dangerous to have people in that area. So far, people have been very cooperative in staying out of the area. Safety is always the top priority, and this has made things safer,” said Seely, noting that some of the trucks and tractors that pull can be unpredictable in competition.
The tradition of tuck and tractor pulling continues on July 12 and 13 in Woodstock as the Old Home Week Committee prepares for their event at Connell Park Raceway.